Septembrie, 2023

vineri01Septembrie7:00 PM10:00 PMMircea Tiberian & Andrei Petrache Trio Green Hours #297:00 PM - 10:00 PM Green Hours jazz-cafe, Calea Victoriei 120 Organizator: Green Hours Concerte:electro acoustic

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Green Hours prezintă:

Mircea Tiberian & Andrei Petrache Trio
Green Hours #29
Probably the first cultural hub in Romania, long before this term was ”abused”, Green Hours opened its doors to the public in 1994.
Green Hours = jazz club, independent theater, record company, jazz festival, creative “site” for artists at the beginning of the road, cultural hotspot.

jazz/blues/alternative/tango/world music concerts and more…

Among the musicians who were acclaimed on our stage: Tania Giannouli, Nik Baertsch, Maria Răducanu, Mircea Tiberian, Johnny Răducanu, Nils Petter Molvaer, Stefano Battaglia, Michele Rabbia, John Betsch, Colin Vallon and many, many others…

Green Hours: 29 years of beauty
September 1st, 7PM, Green Hours Garden

We will celebrate our 29th anniversary by inviting emerging jazz musicians from the local scene, forming Andrei Petrache Trio & Mircea Tiberian, the most well known Romanian jazz musician and respected Professor at the Conservatory.

The celebration is made in partnership with the kind support of Goethe Institut Bucharest.


Andrei Petrache Trio is a project that was created three years ago, when members’ musical ideas and the group synergy became convergent, so that the three had the opportunity to materialize their musical plans. Pianist and composer Andrei Petrache, bassist Mike Alex and percussionist Philip Goron, form a trio with a solid background in classical and alternative music, the three being students or graduates of the Conservatory.

The story behind this composition speaks of close friendships and the pleasure of playing and improvising in a well-welded formula, despite the fact that each of the three activates in multiple other projects simultaneously.
Their repertoire contains original pieces written by Andrei Petrache especially for this trio formula, in an area of modern jazz with influences from Nordic contemporary jazz and Balkan-oriental colors.


Mircea Tiberian is a jazz musician and professor of music at the National University of Music in Bucharest. He coordinates the Jazz Department, which he set up in 1991.
Tiberian spent his childhood and adolescence in Sibiu, Transylvania where he made his debut at the International Jazz Festival in 1974. He holds a doctorate in music. He currently lives in Bucharest. He has performed the world over with such musicians as Larry Coryell, Tomasz Stanko, Herb Robertson, John Betsch, Ed Shuller, Nicholas Simion, Adam Pieronczyk, Maurice de Martin, Theo Jörgensmann and the Romanians Johnny Raducanu, Aura Urziceanu, Anca Parghel and Dan Mândrilă.

”Although it sounds corny, I was always impressed by John Coltrane’s personality, who was a central figure of the jazz agora. He had gathered all the major influences and had that attitude, so characteristic for jazz, to reinvent himself again and again, and he had done it in a most deliberate manner.” Mircea Tiberian

”I don’t know if art could make the society better, but it can try.”
Voicu Rădescu
– honorary director & founder of Green Hours

Limited seats. 

Preț bilete:

– 70 de lei – achitate online, pe [achiziționarea online a biletelor presupune și rezervarea automată a locurilor]

** bilete reduse la 1/2 pt. elevi, studenți, pensionari – în limita a 4 locuri, cu rezervare prealabilă pe, pînă max. în preziua evenimentului!
… și 4 locuri gratuite, oferite cu plăcere studenților la Conservator, neapărat cu rezervare prealabilă pe, pînă max. în preziua evenimentului!

☼ intrarea publicului se face începînd cu 30 de minute înainte de ora anunţată a evenimentului.
Atenţie: la ora anunţată, locurile rezervate şi neocupate pînă atunci se pierd, fiind oferite doritorilor fără rezervări.
☼ evenimentele artistice încep efectiv cu 15 – max. 30 minute după ora anunţată.
☼ nu este permis accesul la spectacole al persoanelor aflate în stare de ebrietate, sau al altora nepotrivite cu atmosfera culturală, artistică, relaxată pe care o promovăm în Green…
☼ vă rugăm ca pe timpul evenimentului să ţineţi TELEFOANELE ÎNCHISE şi SĂ PĂSTRAŢI LINIŞTEA în semn de respect pentru artişti şi public.


Vineri 1 Septembrie 19:00 - Vineri 1 Septembrie 22:00


Green Hours jazz-cafe

Calea Victoriei 120


Green Hours Green Hours 22 Cafe Bar Calea Victoriei 120