Iunie, 2018

duminică03Iunie6:30 PM9:45 PMGreen Hours JAZZ Fest XDay 46:30 PM - 9:45 PM Green Hours jazz-cafe, Calea Victoriei 120 Organizator: Green Hours Concerte:Jazz

Detalii eveniment

”JAZZ isn’t dead. It just smells funny.”… Frank Zappa once said.
This music was born in clubs. And our club gave birth to an international festival: the first and still the only one of its kind in Romania…for 10 years!
The Trumpet Man welcomes you today to listen to the sounds of tomorrow’s music!
In our Avant Garden!

June 3rd, 6.30 PM

Jasper Høiby FELLOW CREATURES – ”Fellow Creatures”


Tin Men and the Telephone (NL/UK/BG) – “Furie”

info: 0788 452 485 / rezervlagreen@gmail.com.
Tickets: @ Green Hours & online: 

4 days PASS: 260 lei
Daily tickets: 85 lei on presale, until May 24th / 100 lei starting with May 25th

As usual, the seats will be taken in order of the arrival. Just a few places, for the limited season tickets, for sponsors and partners, will be booked in advance. Thanks for your understanding!

The announced hour of each concert is 6.30PM, except for Satturday (June 2nd), when the concerts (being 3 instead of 2 per evening) will start at 6PM.


GHJFest art: Victor Bartiș


Duminică 3 Iunie 18:30 - Duminică 3 Iunie 21:45


Green Hours jazz-cafe

Calea Victoriei 120


Green Hours Green Hours 22 Cafe Bar Calea Victoriei 120