Septembrie, 2022

vineri02Septembrie6:00 PM10:00 PMGreen Hours JAZZ Fest - Day 26:00 PM - 10:00 PM Green Hours jazz-cafe, Calea Victoriei 120 Organizator: Green Hours

Detalii eveniment

9 concerte, 12 țări, 26 de muzicieni

După 28 de ani de activitate neîntreruptă, Green Hours va prezenta cu mândrie al său tradițional Green Hours JAZZ Fest, ajuns în 2022 la ediția cu numărul XIV, în perioada 1-4 septembrie. În grădina boemă a cunoscutului hub cultural din centrul orașului, pe parcursul celor patru zile de festival, vor avea loc opt sesiuni de concerte, reunind nume importante și muzicieni valoroși emergenți din Europa.

La 28 de ani de Green Hours, în a doua zi de festival:

Roberto Negro

Papier Ciseau


Roberto Negro – piano, electronics, composition
Émile Parisien – saxophone
Valentin Ceccaldi – bass
Michele Rabbia – drums, electronics

The aesthetics of the DADADA trio composed of the Roberto trio Negro-Michele Rabbia-Emile Parisien evolved in this new artistic adventure with the arrival of bassist Valentin Ceccaldi. In an essentialist musical quest, Roberto Negro invites us to childhood memories and adventure of learning. On an unusual and sometimes disconcerting, where perception and division of time seem at uncontrolled moments, the music we let us transport in a universe declined by melodies sometimes playful, sometimes naive and sometimes frankly stunning and electric. This disc is the result of compositions combining intensity and simplicity with more complex and burning sonic worlds, nourished with a lyricism always on the lookout.



Émile Parisien – Vincent Peirani


Émile Parisien – saxophone
Vincent Peirani – accordion

Abrazo. Embrace. Sometimes that of one’s dance partner, sometimes a fraternal hug. Can there be a better image for the duo composed of accordionist Vincent Peirani and soprano saxophonist Emile Parisien. “It’s like a marriage,” says Peirani, “with ups and downs, but what could be more normal? But right now, we really want to play together.”

There are probably few musicians who know each other as well as Peirani and Parisien. They have given over a thousand concerts together in the past ten years, more than six hundred of them as a duo. They met in 2010 in the quartet of drummer Daniel Humair. It was during a concert in Korea with the latter that they also had the opportunity to play together in duo for the first time. A first time that was not very engaging, according to the two protagonists, who describe it as “a disaster!”. Shortly after that, at a French festival, they renewed the experience, before forming what is probably one of the most extraordinary ensembles in European jazz.

“Abrazo” is not inspired by the work of a composer but by an art form, a culture: tango, its elegance, its melancholy and the power of its rhythms and melodies. As on their first duo recording, Peirani and Parisien do not play the material of the originals, but they play around with it. Pieces written by masters of South American influence such as Astor Piazzolla, Tomás Gubitsch or Xavier Cugat are only part of the repertoire. The compositions of Parisien and Peirani develop in the tango spirit, like the arrangement of “Army Dreamers” by Kate Bush, whom Peirani deeply admires. The opening track, “The Crave” by American pianist and bandleader Jelly Roll Morton – one of the most influential jazz musicians of the early twentieth century – creates an amazing bridge between the previous album and this one. It seems that “Abrazo”, after “Belle Époque”, is the second part of a series, and indeed if we listen to the two albums one after the other, we notice that they blend quite surprisingly.

What binds all these different elements together is the deep affinity that is so obvious between Peirani and Parisien. It stems from the incredible finesse of their interactions and the exceptionally innovative approach they both have to their instruments. There is something here that is completely magical. It appears that the ingredients for this hypnotic potion could come from anywhere: traditional or modern jazz, free avant-garde, classical, folk, rock, electronic, music new or old – the thirst for novelty, the desire for adventure seem insatiable. It is that boundless curiosity, that desire to grow together and climb to ever new heights that bind together the duo Peirani & Parisien and make it so unique.


bilet/seară: 140 de lei (disponibil online pe, click aici)
abonament (4 seri / 9 concerte): 400 de lei (disponibil online pe, click aici)

artistic director: Rozana Mihalache
graphic designer: Victor Bartiș
PR: Florentina Drăgan
sound: Green Sound Time

☼ intrarea publicului se face începînd cu 30 de minute înainte de ora anunţată a evenimentului.Atenţie: la ora anunţată, locurile rezervate şi neocupate pînă atunci se pierd, fiind oferite doritorilor fără rezervări.

☼ evenimentele artistice încep efectiv cu 15 – max. 30 minute după ora anunţată.

☼ nu este permis accesul la spectacole al persoanelor aflate în stare de ebrietate, sau al altora nepotriviţi cu atmosfera culturală, artistică, relaxată pe care o promovăm în Green…

☼ vă rugăm ca pe timpul concertului să ţineţi TELEFOANELE ÎNCHISE şi SĂ PĂSTRAŢI LINIŞTEA în semn de respect pentru artişti şi public.


Tickets: 140RON / evening




Ambasade de France

L’Institut Français de Roumanie

Institutul Polonez



Ambasada Elveției

Swiss Sponsors’ Fund


Goethe Institut Bukarest


Radio România Cultural

Zile și Nopți

Smart FM





Noi căutăm să aducem atît artiști consacrați – și sînt mai mulți artiști superconsacrați (iartă-mi folosirea superuzitatului „super“) – cît și artiști tineri, emergenți, cărora le întrevedem traiectorii serioase. Și în sensul acesta cred că avem mînă bună.

Voicu Rădescu – Dilema Veche, 2017


Vineri 2 Septembrie 18:00 - Vineri 2 Septembrie 22:00


Green Hours jazz-cafe

Calea Victoriei 120


Green Hours Green Hours 22 Cafe Bar Calea Victoriei 120