Septembrie, 2022
Detalii eveniment
9 concerte, 12 țări, 26 de muzicieni După 28 de ani de
Detalii eveniment
9 concerte, 12 țări, 26 de muzicieni
După 28 de ani de activitate neîntreruptă, Green Hours va prezenta cu mândrie al său tradițional Green Hours JAZZ Fest, ajuns în 2022 la ediția cu numărul XIV, în perioada 1-4 septembrie. În grădina boemă a cunoscutului hub cultural din centrul orașului, pe parcursul celor patru zile de festival, vor avea loc opt sesiuni de concerte, reunind nume importante și muzicieni valoroși emergenți din Europa.
Green Hours Jazz Fest XIV, debutează pe 1 Septembrie, cu un concert special.
La 28 de ani de Green Hours, în prima zi de festival:
Teodora Brody-Enache feat. Atma Anur (RO/UK)
Music For Voicu
Concert in Memoriam Voicu Radescu (1955-2021)
Teodora Brody-Enache – voice
Sorin Romanescu – guitar
Călin Grigoriu – guitar
Atma Anur (UK) – percussion & drums
Me and Voicu have a long history together and by this I mean that we shared many precious memories, especially that innocent feeling and all the dreaming and hoping you have when you’ve just started a journey. “Voiculeț”, as Johnny
Răducanu used to nickname him, was the one who took the duo Johnny and Teodora Brody-Enache to a lot of concerts, tournaments and helped release our first album entitled “Jazz behind the Carpathian”. He was a great friend, and he had something deeply special, a magnetism by which he attracted what he wanted to achieve.He had a dream, then transformed it into reality. When the world was barely recovering after the years of communism, he opened Green Hours having this fantastic and brave vision of creating a “nest of culture”.
In this nest tourists feel at home.
And I believe the audience can sense it.
When I lived in Bucharest, I’d often went to drink my coffee at Green Hours. Voicu was at one of the tables, working, smiling, being his charming self… Otto, the actor-dog, likewise, lying at his feet.
I have the feeling that Voicu is still there.And I can’t wait the first of September to sing to him. (Teodora Brody-Enache)
Teodora Brody-Enache, known as Teodora Brody-Enache in Romania, is a crossover artist whose career spans over two decades. She now lives in Germany.
Trained in classical jazz, Teodora Brody-Enache idolized Ella Fitzgerald and Miles Davis. She then became a pioneer of the ethno-jazz genre in Romania, singing the Romanian Doina on the world’s greatest jazz stages. For more than two decades she has brought together musicians from all over the world to sing their roots, be they Romanian, Jewish ,Bulgarian, African. Together they discover that, regardless of where we come from, we all share a single root. Teodora Brody-Enache has brought DOINA – a Romanian traditional genre on the jazz stage,becoming one of the initiators of ethno jazz in Romania
Teodora Brody-Enache performs alongside well-known jazz musicians such as: Benny Rietveld, Stanley Jordan, Theodosii Spassov, Lars Danielsson, Les Paul, Curtis Fuller, Eric Legnini, Phillippe Duchemin, Guido Manusardi, Daniele di Bonaventura, Ion Baciu, Al Copley, and “Mr. Jazz of Romania” himself, as Johnny Raducanu was dubbed by the British critic Leonard Feather.
For the past few years Teodora Brody-Enache has been working on her vocal technique, reaching an amazing vocal range of almost 5 octaves.
She entered the realm of classical music, discovering Bela Bartok, George Enescu, Beethoven, Pachelbel and Vivaldi, giving a completely new and original vocal interpretation to the music composed by these masters.
And thus, Teodora Brody-Enache becomes a classical – jazz crossover artist, approaching classical opuses in a completely original manner, transitioning very easily from the classical to the jazz emission, to the ethnic phrasing. Her inborn talent, which is backed by a tremendous study of every note she sings, offers her the chance to easily slide from an air by Bach to an African song to a jazz theme.
And this is the very core of her credo: unity through diversity, which she promotes in her every concert. “We are one, regardless of our stories, anxieties and passions, of our linguistic, geographical or religious differences.”
world premiere concert
Tania Giannouli – piano
Michele Rabbia – drums, electronics
Daniele Roccato – double bass
”Hemera” is a completely new jazz project, containing three of the most intriguing European musicians of the moment.
Their very first concert in this formula will take place on Green Hours Jazz Fest’s stage, on September 1st, a date which also represents the 28th anniversary of our club.
We are very happy and honored to welcome again the magicians Tannia Giannouli and Michele Rabbia as part of GHJFest line-up and to embrace for the first time the presence of Daniele Roccato.
There will be music!
Greek pianist, composer, improviser and bandleader Tania Giannouli explores jazz as the most creative music form and regularly employs improvisation in her practice. She makes jazz of the kind where improvisation is just the starting point and somewhere out there – or something deep inside – is the aim. Ιnspired by many different traditions and influences, her music and interdisciplinary projects span an impressive range of styles – a creative and borderless amalgamation of the global today’s reality.
Daniele Roccato – double bass soloist and composer – is acclaimed as one of the major double bass virtuosos. Through his transcriptions, his performances of contemporary repertoire and the promotion of new music, Roccato has expended much effort to promote the double bass as a solo instrument since his teenage years. Together with Stefano Scodanibbio he founded the double bass ensemble Ludus Gravis. As soloist and conductor of this group, he has performed at some of the most renowned festivals of contemporary music.
As a composer, arranger and performer he collaborates with writer, playwright and actor Vitaliano Trevisan. Their prolific partnership resulted in the works “Solo et Pensoso”, “Time Works”, “Note sui Sillabari”, “Madre con Cuscino”, “Campo Marzo 9/10”, “Burroughs in Cage”, and “I suicidi di Bernhard”.
He brought the double bass as a solo instrument into pop music by developing trio projects with Lucio Dalla and Roberto Vecchioni. He often collaborates with eminent personalities from the performing and visual arts scenes.
Professor of double bass at the Conservatoire Santa Cecilia in Rome, he is often invited to hold seminars at prestigious musical institutions and universities.
Michele Rabbia – percussionist, drummer – began his career performing and recording collaborating with Stefano Battaglia, Andy Sheppard, Eivind Aarset, Daniele Roccato, Louis Sclavis, Paolo Fresu, Anja Lechner, Michel Portal, Ralph Towner and many, many other high class musicians.
His collaborations also extend in the dance with Virgilio Sieni, Tery J. Weikel , Giorgio Rossi, compose the music for the show ” Genova 01″ Fausto Paravidino for literature with the writer Dacia Maraini , Gabriel Frasca and Sara Ventroni, with the painter Gabriele Amadori and architect James Turrell.He has performed in the most important European festivals , China, India and the United States.
bilet/seară: 140 de lei (disponibil online pe, click aici)
abonament (4 seri / 9 concerte): 400 de lei (disponibil online pe, click aici)
artistic director: Rozana Mihalache
graphic designer: Victor Bartiș
PR: Florentina Drăgan
sound: Green Sound Time
☼ intrarea publicului se face începînd cu 30 de minute înainte de ora anunţată a evenimentului.Atenţie: la ora anunţată, locurile rezervate şi neocupate pînă atunci se pierd, fiind oferite doritorilor fără rezervări.
☼ evenimentele artistice încep efectiv cu 15 – max. 30 minute după ora anunţată.
☼ nu este permis accesul la spectacole al persoanelor aflate în stare de ebrietate, sau al altora nepotriviţi cu atmosfera culturală, artistică, relaxată pe care o promovăm în Green…
☼ vă rugăm ca pe timpul concertului să ţineţi TELEFOANELE ÎNCHISE şi SĂ PĂSTRAŢI LINIŞTEA în semn de respect pentru artişti şi public.
Tickets: 140RON / evening
Ambasade de France L’Institut Français de Roumanie Goethe Institut Bukarest Institutul Polonez JPP ICR Ambasada Elveției Swiss Sponsors’ Fund
GDS Radio România Cultural Zile și Nopți RFI Smart FM Ursus Sâmburești
Noi căutăm să aducem atît artiști consacrați – și sînt mai mulți artiști superconsacrați (iartă-mi folosirea superuzitatului „super“) – cît și artiști tineri, emergenți, cărora le întrevedem traiectorii serioase. Și în sensul acesta cred că avem mînă bună.
Voicu Rădescu – Dilema Veche, 2017
Joi 1 Septembrie 18:00 - Joi 1 Septembrie 22:00